EMPROSS Business Sectors
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EMPROSS Training Courses per Category


Areas of EMPROSS Corporate Training Programs

The EMPROSS corporate training services have been designed towards providing innovative and processional training on technocratic strategy development, business informatics, project management and process  engineering to professionals in various positions and sectors. 

Target Group of EMPROSS Corporate Training Programs

The EMPROSS training programs are addressed to Business Executives such as Chief Executive Offices, Managing Directors, and Directors in Finance, Information Technology, Procurement, Quality Assurance, Operations, Sales and Strategy Development.   On the other hand, the EMPROSS Corporate Training Programs are also open to young upcoming professionals in the previously mentioned sectors and to anyone interested in business informatics and technocratic development strategy.

Type of EMPROSS Corporate Training Programs

The EMPROSS training programs are executed in different versions based on the scope of each training project, which can be an open seminar, en executive tutorial or a integrated training program with case studies and practical exercises.   The EMPROSS training programs can be 2 hours long up to 5 days long and can be executed either at Professional Training Facilities offered in Training Institutions and Luxury Hotels or in the customer premises if they meet the professional and business standards set up by EMPROSS. 

Prime Categories of EMPROSS Corporate Training Programs 

The EMPROSS Corporate Training Programs form the following categories: 

1. Business Informatics, IT Project Management and IT Quality Assurance

2. Project Management, Software Engineering, and Technocratic Strategy based on the ARIADNE Methodology.

3. Technocratic Development for the Small and Medium Size Enterprises (SMEs).



Business Informatics, IT Project Management and IT Quality Assurance

  1. System Development and Maintenance Methodologies and Best Practices.
  2. Selection of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems and supportive technologies for any kind and size of organization.
  3. Project Management on the Implementation of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Systems.
  4. Cost Identification and Financial Management of Information Technology Projects
  5. Time, Cost and Quality Management on Information Technologies Projects
  6. General Business Informatics – Principles on Systems Development, Maintenance, Project Management, Cost Management, Contract Management and Quality Assurance of Information Technology systems, projects and investments
  7. Project Cost and Financial Project Management on Information Technology Projects based on Contract Management Techniques and Practices
  8. Introduction to the Development, Maintenance and Management of Information Technology Contracts on Project and Investment level
  9. Contract & Subcontracting Management for Information Technology Projects.
  10. Information Technologies for the Small and Medium Size Enterprises (SMEs) and Methods of utilizing them.
  11. Communication Technologies for the Small and Medium Size Enterprises (SMEs) and Methods of utilizing them.
  12. Introduction to Information Technology Project Management.
  13. Methodologies and Best Practices for Effective and Rewarding Information Technologies Project Management – En Empirical Study of.
  14. Risk Management of Information Technology Project and Investments.   A Process Oriented Risk  Approach
  15. Creation of Requests for Proposals for Information Technology Projects and Evaluation of Vendor Proposals
  16. Selection of Μultifuntional_Enterprise_Software_Applications (ERP, CRM, WMS, MIS, etc) and Methods for managing their implementation.
  17. Software Quality Assurance.   A detailed study of the concept the theories, practices and standards.
  18. Development of Software Quality Assurance Programs for any kind and size project and for every type of organizations in every sector.
  19. PEOPLEWARE :  Evaluation, Identification, Development, and Maintenance of the Human Resources and their Talents with the Technocratic Oriented Organizations.
  20. Technocratic Strategy and Development of Modern Enterprises.  The Enterprise Engineering Theory and the  ‘Change or Die’ dilemma..
  21. Retain of the Corporate Trust on Technologic Project and Investments towards the creation of the required innovation that can hold the organization’s  competiveness and capability to technocraticaly survive the economic crisis worldwide.
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Project Management, Software Engineering, and Technocratic Strategy based on the ARIADNE Methodology.

  1. System Development Project Management Methodologies and the ARIADNE-SE Methodology as Case Study.
  2. System Acquisition Project Management Methodologies and the ARIADNE-PM Methodology as Case Study.
  3. Requirements Management, Tender Management and Proposals/Offers Evaluation based on Weighted and Multicriteria Analysis on project Elements.   The ARIADNE-TenderMarkS
  4. Project Management based on Weighted Project Elements and Multicriteria Analysis – The Case of the ARIADNE – MBA-SPI Method (Metrics Binder Analysis for Software Projects and Initiatives).
  5. Information and Communication Technologies Project Management based on the Identification and Management of the Project Weight, Size, Cost and Project Completion Progress – The Case of the ARIADNE – ΜarkPoints Method.
  6. Mutative Process Engineering for Agile and Adaptive Process Frameworks towards the per case development of Project Management Methodologies for Information and Communication Technologies Projects – The Case of the ARIADNE Methodology.
  7. Process Assessment Methodologies for Systems, Project and Acquisition Management.   The ARIADNE-ASPAM Process Assessment Methodology
  8. Requirements Elicitation and Management, along with Change and Configuration Management Processes towards Project Successful Project Management and Assurance of Technocratic Project and Investments. - The ARIADNE Requirements Process.
  9. Maintenance and continuous increase on the effectiveness and Return on investment of the existing Information Technology projects and technologies, with reduced Cost and Risk, via ICT Reusability and Reassignment Processes within the organization. – The ARIADNE Technology ReUse Process.
  10. Successful Creation and Management of project implementation teams in Technical, User and Management level, towards the assurance of success in the systems development, acquisition and management process on ICT project and investments.  – The ARIADNE Team Building and Management Process.
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Technocratic Development for the Small and Medium Size Enterprises (SMEs).

  1. Identification, Measurement of Business Maturity on SEMs  via Technocratic Assessment Processes and Utilization of funding Schemes and Instruments Towards Entering on an Developmental  Route and Achieving business Sustainability.
  2. Business Excellence via the Technocratic Assurance of Corporate Visions and Goals.
  3. Business Mutation on Transformation of Family Business to SMEs and Mid Range Organizations via Technocratic Development Strategies and Utilization of Funding Schemes and Instruments.
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