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Management and Utilizations of European Research and Development Programs and Initiatives

Seven (7) independent sub-services aim to support the interest of organizations to inherit state-of-the-art technologies and technocratic development best practices trough the support of the European Union Programmes and other programs worldwide (World Bank, etc). 

All services cover initially the identification of funds available for research form through the European Union programs, national programs or other international programs.  Having identified the fund, the services extend to the preparation of a proposal with all the required components in place (innovative concepts, partners, budget analysis, work-packages decompositions, etc), its submission, evaluation tracking, and implementation management if the proposals become accepted.


  1. Identification of technocratic investments that can be funded by European, national and international programs or development and innovation.
  2. Proposal writing for technocratic investments that can be funded by European, national and international programs or development and innovation.
  3. Identification of the appropriate partners needed from the academic and business sector internationally, to form a consortium thaw will support a proposal.
  4. Management of the project consortium towards developing the appropriate documentation of the projects proposal.
  5. Technical management of the funded project based on the standards being set by each funding authority (European Committion, World Bank, etc) in order to track down the implementation progress of the project.
  6. Financial management of the funded project based on the standards being set by each funding authority (European Committion, World Bank, etc) in order to track down the implementation progress of the project.
  7. Post completion of funded projects and programs in order to prepare the final project envelop for evaluation and acceptance of the project.